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Top 20 Blu-ray Market Share for the Week Ended 05/07/17

Rank Title Studio Share*
1 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Disney/Lucasfilm 72.00%
2 Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens Disney/Lucasfilm 68.76%
3 Doctor Strange Disney/Marvel 67.10%
4 Beauty and the Beast Disney 61.57%
5 Guardians of the Galaxy Disney/Marvel 61.55%
6 Suicide Squad Warner 58.05%
7 Assassin's Creed Fox 56.53%
8 The Accountant Warner 56.16%
9 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Warner 55.65%
10 Moana Disney 53.55%
11 La La Land Lionsgate 52.99%
12 Passengers Sony Pictures 52.36%
13 Teen Titans: The Judas Contract Warner 50.70%
14 Sing Universal 49.32%
15 Underworld: Blood Wars Sony Pictures 48.53%
16 Split Universal 47.05%
17 Hacksaw Ridge Lionsgate 46.38%
18 Rings Paramount 45.94%
19 Arrival Paramount 45.70%
20 Patriots Day Lionsgate 44.99%
Source: NPD VideoScan First Alert, powered by Nielsen (based on unit sales from reporting retailers)  
*Percentage of sales of a title in the Blu-ray format    
  Note: Concurrent DVD & Blu-ray Releases Only. This is a list of titles appearing in the overall top 50 for which consumers have equal chance to buy either the DVD or Blu-ray. Titles receiving a recent Blu-ray-only release are omitted.    

3D Market Share

Rank Title Studio Share**
1 Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens Disney/Lucasfilm 9.14%
2 Passengers † Sony Pictures 9.08%
3 Guardians of the Galaxy Disney/Marvel 4.52%
4 Assassin's Creed Fox 4.27%
5 Doctor Strange Disney/Marvel 4.03%
6 The Secret Life of Pets Universal 3.71%
7 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Warner 2.36%
8 Sing Universal 1.67%
9 Moana Disney 1.63%
10 Suicide Squad Warner 1.04%
11 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ^ Disney/Lucasfilm 0.61%
12 The Legend of Tarzan Warner 0.39%
13 Pixels Sony Pictures 0.14%
Source: NPD VideoScan First Alert, powered by Nielsen (based on unit sales from reporting retailers)  
**Percentage of overall unit sales of a Top 50 title in a separate 3D format    
†4K version includes 3D copy    
^ 3D version was exclusive to Target and Best Buy    

UHD BD Market Share

Rank Title Studio Share***
1 John Wick Lionsgate 27.95%
2 Suicide Squad Warner 16.99%
3 Arrival Paramount 9.39%
4 Assassin's Creed Fox 9.24%
5 Passengers † Sony Pictures 9.08%
6 Hacksaw Ridge Lionsgate 8.95%
7 Deepwater Horizon Lionsgate 8.37%
8 Patriots Day Lionsgate 8.21%
9 Underworld: Blood Wars Sony Pictures 6.54%
10 Why Him? Fox 5.71%
11 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Warner 5.56%
12 The Magnificent Seven (2016) Sony Pictures 5.00%
13 The Accountant Warner 4.90%
14 Trolls Fox/DreamWorks 4.11%
15 La La Land Lionsgate 4.06%
16 The Secret Life of Pets Universal 4.01%
17 Sing Universal 2.64%
18 Hidden Figures Fox 2.58%
19 Goodfellas Warner 2.19%
20 The Legend of Tarzan Warner 0.89%
Source: NPD VideoScan First Alert, powered by Nielsen (based on unit sales from reporting retailers)  
***Percentage of overall unit sales of a Top 50 title in a separate UHD BD format  
†4K version includes 3D copy    


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