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What to expect from DVDs of direct-to-video movies.

Bloodlust Zombies (DVD Review)   30 Jun, 2011

Porn star Alexis Texas makes the transition in ultra low-budget 'Bloodlust Zombies,' yet another take on the popular horror sub-genre involving the brainless undead. (Street Date 7/5/11)More>>

Dawning (DVD Review)   26 Jun, 2011

'Dawning' works on many levels from an unnerving soundtrack, appropriately low-lighted scenes, a claustrophobic cabin and a stellar cast. (Street Date 6/28/11)More>>

Cyrus: Mind of a Serial Killer (DVD Review)   25 Jun, 2011

'Cyrus: Mind of a Serial Killer' presents a convincing and, thus, creepy glimpse into the psychological makeup of those deranged individuals who murder without a conscience. (Street Date 6/28/11)More>>

Fertile Ground (DVD Review)   21 May, 2011

A change of scenery always is a good idea following such personal tragedy as a miscarriage. Except, of course, if the new abode is haunted and out in the middle of nowhere. That’s the premise presented to thirtysomething couple Nate (Gale Harold) and Emily Weaver (Leisha Hailey from “The L...More>>

A change of scenery always is a good idea following such personal tragedy as a miscarriage. Except, of course, if the new abode
Violent Kind, The (DVD Review)   7 May, 2011

Backed by a catchy title, indie horror film The Violent Kind turns conventional victimhood on its ear — with obligatory results. (Street Date 5/10/11)More>>

Julian Assange: Modern Day Hero? — Inside the World of Wikileaks (DVD Review)   30 Apr, 2011

The program isn’t as much a documentary as it is a database of Julian Assange footage, divided into parts by an ominous title card of Assange’s photo with the caption “Courage or Contagious.” It doesn’t really have any form other than that, and doesn’t pass judgments one way or the...More>>

Scenesters, The (DVD Review)   23 Apr, 2011

'The Scenesters' is like a hipster version of a Christopher Guest movie, but it still carries its own unique flavor, masterfully combining a compelling mystery thriller with snarky comedy. (Prebook 4/26/11; Street Date 5/24/11)More>>

William & Kate: The Royal Romance (DVD Review)   20 Apr, 2011

'The Royal Romance' — timed to arrive just in time for the April 29 wedding — is touted as an official film fully authorized by Clarence House, the office and residence of the Prince of Wales. It certainly plays like “official” — stodgy and formal, in true British fashion. More>>

Almost Invisible (DVD Review)   17 Apr, 2011

'Almost Invisible' has the requisite eye candy, catchy title, box art, passable soundtrack and street-cred micro-indie budget, for those who are into that kind of thing and have little use for plot or character. (Street Date 4/19/11)More>>

Prowl (After Dark Originals) (DVD Review)   29 Mar, 2011

'Prowl' is Lionsgate’s first proprietary effort in its nascent “After Dark Originals” series that incorporates the typical formula for horror success: Placing attractive teens in dangerous situations of their own doing. (Street Date 3/29/11)More>>
