With hopes of establishing a franchise, YouTube-sensation-turned-film Fred: The Movie also...more >>
The focus on the film’s characters comes through, especially in the performance of Steve Zahn in...more >>
Christopher Walken’s crafty and emotional performance is the highlight of $5 a Day, keeping the...more >>
'The City of Your Final Destination' is a fine addition to the Merchant-Ivory canon — and the...more >>
The drama’s production value far surpasses the average church-made feature film. Director Brian...more >>
Flo TV and Discovery Communications July 28 announced the premiere of a new Discovery Mobile...more >>
The complexity of the story, and likely the foreign-language element (a key plot device in the film...more >>
Warner Home Video will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Mutiny on the Bounty by debuting it...more >>
Warner Home Video is getting in the holiday spirit this year by releasing Blu-ray Disc collections...more >>
Tai Seng Entertainment July 20 announced a distribution agreement with Sony to begin streaming the...more >>
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