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Shiva Rea: More Daily Energy (DVD Review)

17 Nov, 2011 By: Angelique Flores

$19.99 DVD
Not rated.

Yoga guru Shiva Rea is back with a follow-up to her popular 2009 release Daily Energy. The new set of vinyasa flow practices in More Daily Energy offers a combination of beginner and intermediate segments. Some focus more on strength, with more-difficult poses to stimulate and challenge the body’s muscles, balance and flexibility. Others focus more on relaxation, with calming stretches that squeeze out the tension in the muscles. All the segments energize and rejuvenate against Shiva’s soothing instruction, background music and setting.

Like Rea’s original Daily Energy DVD, this one also offers more than two hours worth of yoga practices in a matrix format, with three beginner (lunar) and four intermediate (solar) practices. Each of the seven practices run about 20 minutes long, give or take a few minutes. Additionally, there is an opening meditation and an ending meditation. With this variety, practitioners can choose a workout according to the level, mood or the time available. Users can build a workout with the matrix or choose among several pre-set workouts for those days when it’s easier to just press play.

Rea doesn’t give rigid step-by-step instruction, but rather a more open instruction that encourages practitioners to follow at one’s own level and to listen to one’s own body while doing the practice.

With the variety of practices, it would be difficult to get tired of this DVD. It’s also difficult to make excuses not to practice, given the flexibility to match the user’s needs.

About the Author: Angelique Flores

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