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Home Media – There’s No Escaping Us!

31 Aug, 2011 By: Thomas K. Arnold

Honey, they shrunk the magazine!

Your next issue of Home Media Magazine will be a little smaller — but not by much. We’ve trimmed an inch off the top to make our digital edition fit perfectly on the iPad, since the booming tablet market, dominated by Apple, is giving digital editions of magazines a whole new life. (To see for yourself, click and subscribe to our digital edition — it’s free!

We’ve also taken the opportunity to redesign the magazine to give it a fresher look. Thanks to our creative director, Melbert Sebayan, and his design team, Home Media Magazine is now easier than ever to read and digest.

As many of you already know, we’re also on and . If you haven’t already, I encourage you to visit these sites so you can “Like” and “Follow” us.

And coming soon will be smartphone apps for Home Media as well as a special “mozine” designed especially for smartphones, so you can get the latest news, reviews, commentaries, blogs and photos as soon as they are posted, no matter where you are.

It’s all part of the evolution of Home Media Magazine into the Home Media Group, our transformation from a weekly print magazine aimed at video retailers to an around-the-clock information source aimed at the entire home entertainment food chain, from content creators and producers to distributors, manufacturers, and of course retailers, analysts, the consumer press, and “super” consumers with a wide swath of influence through blogging or other means.

We were founded 32 years ago this month as Video Store Magazine, a selling tool for the studios as they pitched the concept of watching movies on videocassette to a wary retail base. We’ve grown up with the industry as these retailers established their own rental businesses, and the studios, eager for a bigger cut of the action, pushed a new and improved medium, DVD, directly to consumers to establish the even bigger sellthrough business that in 2001 overtook theatrical as Hollywood’s biggest source of revenue.

Today, there are more ways to bring movies into the home — or directly to consumers, one should say — than anyone could have imagined, even just five years ago. Home Media has been embraced as the voice of the industry, and with the industry going off into so many different directions, all at once, it’s critical for us to be everywhere, as well.

So that’s what we’re doing. Home Media’s voice is as loud, and as vital, as it’s ever been — and the more places you can hear us, the better.

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About the Author: Thomas K. Arnold

Thomas K. Arnold

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