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Vimeo to Offer ‘Some Girl(s)’ Day-and-Date with Theatrical

8 May, 2013 By: Chris Tribbey

Online video service Vimeo will offer the Adam Brody and Kristen Bell comedy Some Girl(s) via video-on-demand June 28, the same day the film gets a wide theatrical release.

It will be the first day-and-date VOD release for Vimeo’s fledgling on-demand service, which launched in late April.

Patty West, partner at entertainment company Leeden Media and producer of the film, said the company turned down other distribution deals in order to cut out the middleman.

“The opportunity to go straight from artist to audience is the future, and Vimeo is offering a fantastic new platform,” she said in a statement. “We were inspired by … artists doing it themselves and going directly to their audience. That’s really exciting for filmmakers.”

Vimeo-On-Demand offers filmmakers a 90/10 revenue split for films sold directly through its site.

Chris Schwartz, one of Leeden’s other partners and a producer for the film added, “No one knows the film better than we do. No one cares as much as we do, so why not see it through to the end. Plus, as fans from around the world are asking to see the film, we don’t have to make them wait.”

About the Author: Chris Tribbey

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