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Top 20 Blu-ray Market Share for the Week Ended 08/24/14

Rank Title Studio Share*
1 Hercules Disney 73.19%
2 The Amazing Spider-Man Sony Pictures 69.06%
3 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Sony Pictures 66.56%
4 Batman: Assault on Arkham Warner 53.64%
5 Muppets Most Wanted Disney 46.20%
6 The Lego Movie Warner 42.26%
7 Need for Speed Disney/DreamWorks 41.00%
8 Noah Paramount 40.79%
9 Divergent Lionsgate/Summit 39.69%
10 Sabotage Universal 38.75%
11 Toy Story of Terror! Disney 37.77%
12 Boardwalk Empire: The Complete Fourth Season HBO 34.78%
13 Transcendence Warner 34.53%
14 Frozen Disney 34.33%
15 The Heat Fox 33.69%
16 Lone Survivor Universal 32.66%
17 Rio 2 Fox 32.26%
18 Jarhead 2: Field of Fire Universal 31.47%
19 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Warner 31.33%
20 Oculus Fox 30.86%
Source: Nielsen VideoScan First Alert (based on unit sales from reporting retailers)  
*Percentage of sales of a title in the Blu-ray format    
  Note: Concurrent DVD & Blu-ray Releases Only. This is a list of titles appearing in the overall top 50 for which consumers have equal chance to buy either the DVD or Blu-ray. Titles receiving a recent Blu-ray-only release are omitted.    

3D Market Share

Rank Title Studio Share**
1 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Sony Pictures 13.00%
2 The Amazing Spider-Man Sony Pictures 11.63%
3 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Warner 6.57%
4 Rio 2 Fox 3.83%
5 The Lego Movie Warner 2.37%
Source: Nielsen VideoScan First Alert (based on unit sales from reporting retailers)  
**Percentage of overall unit sales of a Top 50 title in a separate 3D format    


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