Reviews of DVDs and Blu-ray Discs from TLA Releasing.
Between Love & Goodbye (DVD Review) 25 Apr, 2009
'Between Love & Goodbye' does well at drawing a believable backdrop of characters that reflects oft-unseen diversity in the gay, lesbian and transgender community. (Street Date 5/5/09)More>>
Boystown (DVD Review) 19 Oct, 2008
'Boystown' is a heartfelt, sweet comedy about a serial killer stalking little old ladies in an up-and-coming gay neighborhood in Madrid. A strange mix to be sure, but one that’s buoyed by its charming lead actors.More>>
Summer Scars (DVD Review) 31 Aug, 2008
'Summer Scars' is an end-of-innocence British thriller, based on an actual incident from director Julian Richards' own teenage years, which plays out like a twisted version of 'Stand By Me.'More>>
Philosophy of a Knife (DVD Review) 8 Jun, 2008
Fans of extreme horror films such as 'Hostel' and 'Faces of Death,' as well as hardcore history buffs, will find 'Philosophy of a Knife' much easier to watch. For the rest of us, the film is a shocking, educational journey into the atrocities behind perfecting the technology of death.More>>
2 Minutes Later (DVD Review) 25 May, 2008
First, get past the fact that our victim could probably have escaped if he'd run off the road instead of on it. Then you can pretty much enjoy the detective thriller '2 Minutes Later.'More>>