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UHD Alliance Unveils Spec, Logo for Laptops, Notebooks, Tablets and Smartphones

28 Feb, 2017 By: Stephanie Prange

The UHD Alliance (UHDA), the industry group formed to promote Ultra HD and HDR entertainment technology, announced its specification and logo for portable devices, “Mobile HDR Premium.”  

The UHDA’s Mobile HDR Premium designation confirms that a device meets UHDA-defined performance criteria for resolution, dynamic range, color space and bit depth and delivers a consistent premium experience.

“The dramatic improvement of screens in battery operated devices, coupled with the emergence of 4K and 4K with HDR streaming offerings through services such as Amazon, Netflix and others, makes it possible for consumers to get a much richer and more immersive experience on their computers, tablets and smartphones,” said UHDA president Hanno Basse. “The expansion of our certification of logo program will help consumers identify premium portable products that take full advantage of the wealth of HDR content coming to market.”

The mobile category surpassed the in-home category in consumer entertainment device spending in 2013, and Statista predicts that mobile video internet traffic, which is currently more than 3.5 million terabytes per month, will reach nearly 23 million terabytes per month by 2020, according to the UHDA.

Ooyala’s Global Video Index found that 52% of all video streams in the third quarter of 2016, both short and long form, were viewed on mobile devices.

About the Author: Stephanie Prange

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