I’ve Finally Joined the Blogosphere
13 Mar, 2009 By: Thomas K. ArnoldOur new digital marketing guru, Amy Coronato, told me it’s high time I hit the blogosphere. So at the end of this week, from what I’m told, we’ll be live and you can read my brand-new blog at www.homemediamagazine.com/blog/tks-take.
I’ll admit I haven’t been looking forward to being tied to the computer even more than I already am, what with story commitments, budgeting, e-mailing and IMing. And that’s just on the business side of my life. On the personal side I am an avid photographer, videographer and chronicler of the Arnold family’s various activities, not to mention my newfound affinity with Twitter and Facebook — both of which I’ve embraced with gusto, to the point where my Twitter followers now know just about everything I’m doing every minute of the day — within reason, of course.
But back to the blog. In essence, I am committing to being online virtually around the clock simply because there’s so much happening in our home entertainment business that I can’t begin to write it all in lengthy, well-researched news stories and thoughtful, analytical commentaries.
As I state in my first blog entry: “Much of what happens I want to tell you about NOW. I have opinions of things that need to come out NOW. And quite honestly, thanks to Facebook and Twitter, I have become quite accustomed to living much of my life on the computer, communicating to folks in blog fashion.
“You might not always like what you read, you might disagree with some of my opinions, and you might have tidbits or suggestions you’d like to pass along. More power to you — and please let me know at tarnold@questex.com.
“I plan on updating my blog once, twice a day, whenever the spirit moves me, so please check back often. Consider this my own running commentary on the $22 billion home entertainment industry, from DVDs and Blu-ray Discs to digital copies, digital downloads and however else someone will think of to bring entertainment to you.”
There you have it. Now, please tune in.
Thomas K. Arnold’s blog can be found at www.homemediamagazine.com/blog/tks-take.