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‘Tron’ Directors Greet Fans, Answer Questions Via Twitter

6 Apr, 2011 By: Billy Gil

Steven Lisberger and Joe Kosinski

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Fans lined up at a Best Buy in West Hollywood in hopes of getting their copies of Tron and Tron: Legacy signed by the directors of those films, who gathered April 5 for the films’ home video releases from Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment and for an online Q&A via Twitter.

Tron: Legacy director Joe Kosinski said he was particularly impressed with the Blu-ray’s “Second Screen” feature, which syncs a device such as a tablet or laptop with the Blu-ray as it plays and allows users to access such material as art and storyboards, while the Blu-ray is playing. He also likes that side stories from the film were able to be fleshed out in the short film “The Next Day: Flynn Lives Revealed,” which also is included on the Blu-ray.

“It’s a completely unique-looking movie,” Kosinski said about the longevity of the “Tron” franchise. “From a conceptual point of view, people now realize how ahead of its time [the original Tron] was.”

Tron writer/director Steven Lisberger added: “I think that it was for my generation, the new frontier, the ’60s and ’70s consciousness spilled over into a cyber world. We didn’t know at all the implication of how it would play out in our daily lives.”

Kosinski said the presentation on the Tron: Legacy 3D Blu-ray holds up well when compared with its 3D theatrical presentation. Kosinski said he feels 3D in the home is here to stay, and that it makes sense with certain films and sporting events.

“The tremendous amount of color and brightness in the film that plays really, really well at home in 3D,” he said.

Of the original Tron, Lisberger said going back to digitally remaster the film was like he had “died and gone to movie heaven.”

“I think it’s the best Tron has ever looked,” he said. “There’s nothing like looking at a good light-emitting screen, particularly with Tron. … It really looks like it belongs on Blu-ray.”

In keeping with the futuristic theme of “Tron,” which deals with a cyber world in which human users appear as digital “users” who can manipulate the physical laws of the digital world, the “Tron” directors participated in a Q&A session via social networking site Twitter. The questions, responses and other commentary can be viewed by visiting Twitter.com and searching for “#BBYTron.”

Tron: Legacy, which stars Jeff Bridges and Garret Hedlund, comes in four versions: a five-Disc Blu-ray combo pack ($79.99) with the Tron: Legacy 3D Blu-ray 3D, 2D Blu-ray 2D, DVD and digital copy, plus the Tron: The Original Classic Blu-ray; a four-disc Blu-ray combo pack ($49.99) with the 3D Blu-ray, 2D Blu-ray 2D, DVD and digital copy; a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack ($39.99) and a DVD ($29.99). Tron: The Original Classic, which also stars Bridges, comes in a two-disc Blu-ray/DVD combo pack ($39.99) and two-disc DVD ($29.99).

About the Author: Billy Gil

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