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Retailers Focus on 'Sex'

24 Jun, 2014 By: John Latchem

Among some big new releases June 24, the biggest exclusives were tied with the disc release of the first season of Showtime's "Masters of Sex," distributed on home video by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

Target offered the DVD and Blu-ray versions with a bonus disc containing a set tour and fashion featurettes. Best Buy offered a $5 gift card with the purchase of the first season.

On the other hand, many Walmart stores didn't even stock the title on shelves in any format.

Best Buy gave away a free T-shirt with the fourth-season DVD set of "The Boondocks," also distributed by Sony Pictures.

With the release of Warner's 300: Rise of the Empire, some stores offered discounts off the original 300. Best Buy had the first film for $6.99 for Blu-ray, while Target had the DVD for $5. Walmart offered a single-DVD version of the new film, as opposed to the widely available two-disc DVD special edition.

Another new release, a boxed set re-release of the first three live-action "Transformers" movies, came with an $8 coupon for the purchase of a theatrical ticket to the new Transformers: Age of Extinction.

Walmart has exclusive availability of the family film Fine Step, starring Luke Perry, distributed by Vertical Entertainment. The DVD plus Vudu digital copy was offered at $12.96.

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About the Author: John Latchem

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