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Studios, Cable Bow ‘Push It’ VOD Campaign

15 Apr, 2011 By: Erik Gruenwedel

Hollywood studios and cable operators have launched a marketing campaign aimed at convincing consumers to purchase transactional video-on-demand (VOD) movie rentals through their televisions.

The $10 million yearlong Movies On Demand On Cable campaign, dubbed “Push It,” incorporates music from rap group Salt-N-Pepa to entice consumers to push the button on their cable remotes to access new release movies on retail street date — and ahead of kiosks and Netflix.

The TV spots incorporate images from more than 60 participating studio movies.

In 2010 there were 132 films released day-and-date, more than double the number in 2009. Transactional VOD grew 11% to $116 million, with revenue up 15% in the first half of 2010 versus the same period in 2009, according to Rentrak.

Initial feedback from the campaign found a 36% increase in average monthly revenue among light VOD users, an 18% increase among new purchasers to the category and sustained elevated usage among both groups following the campaign.

Finally, in a post-campaign survey conducted by Frank N. Magid Associates, 81% of respondents reported enjoying the convenience of VOD movies, and nearly two-thirds said it was a good value for the money.

“An increasing number of consumers are interested in renting movies at home on demand on cable,” said Michele Edelman, VP, worldwide marketing, programming and acquisitions, with Warner Bros. Digital Distribution and Movies On Demand initiative co-chair. “We plan to be there with the hottest titles at the earliest opportunity.”

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About the Author: Erik Gruenwedel

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